The soul of a mortal being

The soul of a mortal being
Who possess knowledge of the cruelty of mankind and the injustices experienced by so many aches by day and night,
His spirit is full of anguish
Of grief and torment
Night and day expires at the expense of his affliction.

For he does not know what to do with this knowledge
If he was to give truth to the masses who are blind and oblivious to the revelations of history
They would only scold him,
refusing to hearken unto his claims of truth
They would persecute him and treat him as a mere psychotic.

unknownhowever if he was to refuse to declare to the masses the divination received
he would only subject himself to the foreboding agony
his spirit would be troubled
Even if God was to send down his angel to help bear the turmoil of a dampened
spirit, it would be useless for only he alone, he made of flesh and blood
he who feels the deepest hurt of the children of man
could possibly bear his turmoil and the responsibility given him through the gain of knowledge

So the question I rely to you is What good is knowledge if you keep it sealed in the bottomless pit of your heart ?
